Ruby Is Here!

17 Dec


I am so happy to announce that Ruby Kay is here!  She was born on November 7th at 7 lb 15 oz and was 20 in long.  We already love her so much we can barely stand it!

Ruby couldn’t have timed her arrival more perfectly because Jonathan’s mom and two sisters arrived from Washington less than an hour after she was born.  It was really wonderful to have people with us at the hospital and looking back, I don’t think we could have got through those crazy couple days without them!

You guys, giving birth is no joke!  I wasn’t really prepared for all the craziness that goes into delivering a baby.  I know the birthing experience can vary so much but man, being in labor for 20 hours is nuts!  Actually the first part of the birth was a positive experience.  Our nurse was amazing and definitely played a big part in getting us through labor and delivery.  And, my ob was outstanding!  I delivered at a very large hospital and didn’t expect to have my doctor at the delivery but it worked out that she was there for it, and she was a rock star.

One of the things that was especially incredible was that I pushed for two and a half hours and my doctor stayed with me for the whole thing!!  Honestly, I couldn’t even believe it but I am so very thankful she was!  At the end of the push, things got a little crazy and my doctor was a complete gangster in getting Ruby out.  I won’t give you all the intimate details but I will say, Ruby crowned for 45 minutes and it was totally insane!  Her head was stuck for quite awhile (and she has a pretty large bump on her head to prove it) and we honestly didn’t think she would make it out. But, at the end of all the craziness, Ruby came out wide eyed and beautiful and we are obsessed with her.  The emotion Jonathan and I felt when she was set on my chest was like nothing else we have ever felt.  Totally and completely wonderful!

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