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geometric mobiles release!

29 May

mobile_2You guys!  I am so excited to show you the project I have been working on!  Remember that sneak peek post awhile back, well this is the final product to that project!  I am now selling custom geometric baby mobiles.classic_blush_4modern_white_1

mobile_1When I was getting Ruby’s room together before she was born, I had this idea in my head of the mobile I wanted to hang over her crib, but just couldn’t find the right one.  So I decided to make it myself.  Each mobile is made by hand with local materials. They each feature a fun gold frame and custom geometric shapes.classic_blue green_1

I have designed a few mobiles that I have listed on etsy, and there is also an option to choose your own colors to create a custom mobile to fit the exact colors of your nursery.  Below are the color options I have available.

bunched 2To see all the mobiles I am selling check out my etsy store here. I have added a link to my shop on the top right menu of my blog, and that link will take you straight to the mobiles as well.

Screen-Shot_shopIf you have any questions about the mobiles feel free to email me at or send me a message through etsy.
