Happy Monday friends! How was your weekend? Mine ended up being SUPER crazy. So last week I told you I was heading to Spokane for the weekend and, well…getting there turned out to be an insane experience. Here is a quick recap of what happened.
Jonathan had just come off the night shift and had to take a test in a different town on Friday. I picked him up in that town right after his test with our bags packed and we left for the airport. We were about 80 miles from the airport. At that point we had plenty of time.
It was raining really hard so the cars were driving a little slower than usual but we still had plenty of time so far. Then we took our exit onto the next highway leading to the airport and we were were about 30 miles away. One minute into that drive all cars were at a complete stop.
Fast forward about an hour and we are still at a stop and we have only gone about 15 miles. When we checked our phones 10 miles out from the airport it said we still had 1 hour and 50 minutes to go! And our flight leaves in 30 minutes.
Fast forward another 30 minutes – we have only gone 2 miles and have completely missed our flight! The traffic was SO insane. I have never seen it like that. We ended up parking our car at the airport about an hour after the flight had taken off and it took another 30 minutes to get to the terminal because all the shuttle buses were also backed up in traffic.
Once we got to the airport, we found out the next flight wasn’t unit the next day and we would have to wait until the morning to fly out. Pretty much everyone at the airport had missed their flights and were trying to re-book so every flight through every airline was full. So crazy!
Needless to say, we did make it to the Spokane on Saturday morning and had a wonderful 2 days there. It went really fast but we had a great time. We were even able to fit in a Greenbluff trip (which if you ever go to Spokane in the fall, this is a must activity). We were so happy to see our friends and celebrate fall in Spokane.
Here are a couple instagram photos from the trip. The above photo was at Greenbluff and we were picking out pumpkins.

(Above) Beautiful streets in my old neighborhood and (below) my sweet sister and her husband.

(Above) One of our favorite restaurants in Spokane (and the place we had our rehearsal dinner!).